I love connecting with new audiences and sharing my knowledge and passion. I’d be delighted to speak on your show or on your panel!

The Science Show with Robyn Williams

To my surprise, I was on the Science Show! This was a pre-recorded interview from Superstars of STEM media training in 2023. I didn’t know it would be aired, but I’m deighted I didn’t say anything too silly. It was a quick chat about improving crop yields with proteins!

Travelling Science Podcast

I was a guest on Jesse Crowe’s podcast “Travelling Science.” We had a fanstastic conversation about science, science comedy, and why all science should have empathy and society at its core. You can find the episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you podcast.

Ask us STEM Panel

I spoke on a STEM Q&A panel for the University of Sydney alumni festival. Hosted by Adam Spencer, I answered science questions from the audience alongside my fellow USyd Superstars of STEM and Dr Karl! With a packed auditorium, it was one of the largest crowds I have spoken to before and the audience was super engaged and generous. It was so special to share this day with my fellow Superstars!

SXSW Sydney Panel: The nanobots are coming (and that’s a good thing)

I spoke on a panel for the inaugural SXSW Sydney conference in October 2023. Hosted by A/Prof Alice Motion, myself and two other early-career researchers discussed our research in future-focussed fields and how science and human ingenuity inspire our own radical optimism for life in 2050 and beyond.

We spoke to a packed room of ~100 attendees with vibrant discussions both during and after the panel. Considering SXSW attendees are spoiled for choice with numerous streams of talks running concurrently, we were thrilled with this result!

Get Clever

I appeared in several episodes of Channel 7’s children’s science TV show “Get Clever” across its 3 seasons. I started out as a researcher behind the scenes breaking down scientific concepts fo the 8 - 12 year old audience, but got an opportunity to try out on camera and became a guest presenter after that! I really enjoyed making science fun and goofy and am really proud of the segments I did.