
Doctor of Philosophy - The University of Sydney, 2019

Supervisor: Professor Joel Mackay

Research area: Structural biology of trancription factors using nuclear magnetic resosnance

Bachelor of Science - The University of Arizona, 2015

Major: Biochemistry

Minor: Chemistry

Thesis research area: Protein evolution studies of bacterial transcription factors using nuclear magnetic resoncance

I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Dr Yu Heng Lau at The University of Sydney. Read about our lab’s work here .

Current research focus: protein engineering for synthetic biology

I am fascinated by proteins. The way they function as scaffolds or machines capable of diverse functions using relatively few building blocks. I am currently enraptured by encapsulin protein nanocomparments and am working on several projects engineering them for applications in agriculture, medicine, and biomanufacturing. Imagine nano-sized factories making small molecules for therapeutics or industry applications, tiny little organelles in cells to help organisms perform new or improved functions, or even tiny drug delivery containers!

My work falls within the field of synthetic biology which takes principles of engineering and applies them to biology. It’s a super exciting field, building on thousands of years of biological knowledge to engineer exciting bio-based solutions to modern problems.

Check out my recent publications!

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