My science communication philosophy is that science belongs to everyone.

I aim to make it as accessible as possible.


I have taken the plunge! I started a TikTok and Instagram account @myfavproteins where I talk about some of my favourite proteins and stories in biochemistry. I’m still new at it and finding my footing, but it’s a fun adventure so far.

Science Comedy

This year I took part in the Future Science Talks: Comedy Edition training program where I learned the basics of performing comedy and injecting humor into a science presentation. I fell in love with this medium of science communication and have performed at the Sydney Fringe Festival and other local events.


As part of my work in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology, I am one of the creators of Remediate, a synthetic biology card game. I also planned mutlipe events in Sydney and Orange NSW as part of our launch during National Science Week 2023. The game isn’t quite available for purchase yet, but watch this space for updates. If you’re interested in bringing Remediate into your classroom, get in touch!

Schools Engagement

I have extensive experience talking to students from preschool to Year 12. I’m always excited to have a chat about my research, gender equity in STEM, and educational pathways. I’m highly passionate about educational equity and giving opportunities to all students. I carry out a lot of my school visits through the Superstars of STEM program and Deadly Science.